In the Spirit of Ujima, Inc. is a 501 C 3 nonprofit organization established 1992 in Mansfield, Ohio. The organization extensive history is to work with at-risk youth and exercise passion to recruiting and training positive male role models, while implementing researched based mentoring programs proven demonstrated success garnering life altering results from at-risk males from various backgrounds and cultures.
Our desire is to become an outstanding lead agency noted for providing a superior mentoring service to aid, develop and challenge both African American and Hispanic American males into becoming Dream Builders. Finally, we will actively present our sustainability plan to engage the Charlotte Metropolitan Corporate community to consider supporting our strategic plan in delivering valuable services to at-risk males to realign them, create needed youth empowerment service enhancing the underutilized services already in place. Our leadership is geared and designed to focus on indirect educational services, training and workforce development, job shadowing and lunch small talk buddies, tutoring, as well as, matching male mentor services directly assisting elementary, middle and high school at-risk males in nontraditional programs service settings through implementation of a greater impact for stronger mentor support services.
The servant leader launch coalition is to build active aid to strategically solve the challenges many at-risk African American and Hispanic American males face in the 21st century. Our goals are to provide mentoring services, education and enrichment support, prevention and intervention outreach programs by fostering a positive bridge helping develop positive self-esteem; set higher academic, career, and entrepreneurship goals designed to enhance their quality of life.